The best treatment for acne comes from a multiple approach treatment. Prevent new acne coming up and get rid of the existing acne for a fast and effective treatment.
Buffet Laser
Laser acne extraction
Laser acne treatment Opens the outlet of the sebaceous glands. One can treat acne and prevent side effects from acne such as acne scar redness and black spot.
Laser treatment for inflame acne
Rejuvenate laser reduces the inflammation and sebaceous gland size , thereby reducing the acne count and preventing the formation of new acne. In study, it was found that the acne lesion count began decreasing after three sessions and continued to decrease until 12 weeks into the follow-up period. Also, the occurrence of new lesions stopped after three weeks of treatment.

Acne Treatment Buffet
Inflame acne injection
This is used to provide short-term relief of inflammation and is sometimes used to help shrink large acne cysts. Performed in the dermatologist's office, medication shots can help reduce the redness, swelling, and pain of severe inflammatory acne breakouts within a few days.
Acne extraction
procedure that can get rid of existing acne lesions and preventing flares or acne pop up in the future. Acne extraction can get rid of many kind of acne for example, closed comedone, opened comedones, black heads, white head, senile comedone, and nodulocystic acne. Medical extraction can prevent acne scar.

Free ! All medication and cosmeceutical product
Medication and cosmeceutical play an important role in acne treatment.
Decreases sebum production
Reduce inflammation
Eradicates P.acne bacteria
A good cosmeceutical will soothe your skin and enhance the effects of medication helping your skin tolerate the treatment.
Sensi-care cosmeceutical is a tailor made skin care design for acne prone and sensitive skin.

Doctor recommendations
Try not to wear make up since it can cause irritation
Stop touching your face, pricking or squeezing pimple
Change shampoo to baby shampoo and stop using conditioner
Wash your pillow cover with soap bar
Eat heathy food try to avoid constipation
Supplement that help zinc, probiotic, anti-oxidant
Avoid strong sun light or hot weather since these will aggravate acne and acne red or dark spot
Avoid sugary, dairy product, fat , fast-food, hormone contaminated meat, chocolate
Avoid stress since stress cause hormonal imbalance
Package & Price
At Revival Clinic, safety is always our concern. All equipment is cleaned and sterilised properly for the individualised treatment plans that meet your needs.
Our complete acne care package
For one month includes a buffet of
Laser treatment for acne extraction
Laser treatment for inflamed acne
Inflamed acne injection
Acne extraction
Cosmeceutical product such as moisturiser, sunscreen etc.
Medication both oral and topical.
package price
20,000 THB per 4 times